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  1. Z

    Feelings you’d have twins..?

    @twinmum Not at all. Didn't even cross my mind.
  2. Z

    Birth at 38 weeks?

    @quaheem Delivered natural birth to didi twins at 38 weeks 4 days - had to be induced
  3. Z

    What is the dumbest thing you’ve heard?

    @atyar Mine are biracial too half black half white my girl is almost fair compared to my boy. She's the lightest of my 3 kids. I anticipate more comments about this as they get older and aren't together all the time.
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    What is the dumbest thing you’ve heard?

    @zacharyrw I agree I feel like people want all twins to be identical for some reason.. play into their twin movie and tv expectations
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    Very very mild symptoms at 6+5 with di/di twins. Minimal nausea. Concerned

    @grace92 My nausea symptoms didn't fully kick in until about 8 weeks it's still pretty early. I had healthy full term didi twins and gave birth naturally. My nausea symptoms were only bad for the first trimester after 8 weeks and subsided after 13 weeks. The worst part was the end when they were...
  6. Z

    What is the dumbest thing you’ve heard?

    @karenrose3388 Yeah I think it's that they're reminded of twins and feel they can relate which is a relatively rare ish thing so you never forget about the time you almost had twins... because I had a singleton first and strangers did not open up to me about their miscarriages, ever. I don't...
  7. Z

    What is the dumbest thing you’ve heard?

    @seatpost12 I get a lot of twin in utero death stories too. Sad but also awkward...