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  1. M

    Tipping Daycare Teachers

    @johnsubira $20 and a gift
  2. M

    I don’t want parenting advice from someone who doesn’t put their 2 year old in a car seat

    @batman21 Not only does not putting your very young child in a car seat make no common sense (Now you have a toddler roaming around the car, what if you get hit? The baby is flying through the windshield) it’s also VERY illegal if you’re in the US. This makes me wonder what other safety...
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    Dog nipped baby (X-posted)

    @agilefeet Keeping the dog and baby separated is reasonable here. You don’t wait around to find out whether the dog is aggressive with your baby’s life. Better to be safe than sorry. Be straight up and it’ll be on them to decide their feelings on it. Your job is to protect the baby, not their...
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    Give your best line for “no”

    @kimmjohns We’ve talked about it and decided to sit out this time, but thanks for the invite. Have fun!