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    Working Mom Life Hacks?

    @wowreallyguys That sounds amazing! How have a I never heard of it before?
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    Working Mom Life Hacks?

    @cosmosmu I would love a Roomba, but we have two floors and a step down living room, so they aren’t practical for us.
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    Working Mom Life Hacks?

    @gottmaninst Same, if I had to choose, I would always pick the grocery delivery.
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    Working Mom Life Hacks?

    @theesotericvoice Love the idea of setting an alarm for it! We have one for toy pick up 15 mins before bed. It helps keep us all on top of bedtime.
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    Working Mom Life Hacks?

    @bearingfruitfortis I wish my husband got off early enough for us to do this. My kids are so hungry by the time else get home. We often ruin dinner by snacks.
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    Working Mom Life Hacks?

    @syncakes I love this! So organized.
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    Working Mom Life Hacks?

    @nasrani1984 I have always wanted to make this, but haven’t found a good system yet. I would love to learn from you/ anyone else doing it!
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    Working Mom Life Hacks?

    @matt21 I just checked and it’s not available in our area yet. Bummer!
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    Working Mom Life Hacks?

    @matt21 I double recipes too! I only cook on Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday. We eat leftovers on Tuesday/Thursday/ Sunday. Friday is always take out! 3 weeks, no laundry- love this! Walmart + is my absolute favorite, just added eMeals to it and now they make my grocery list and auto import...
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    Working Mom Life Hacks?

    @jackos We lay out clothes the night before too! I leave for work before my daughter and husband do, so it really helps the mornings. We library it too! Saves so much money. I tried to plan ahead and request books to our small branch of the library, making the trip even more efficient. I...
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    Working Mom Life Hacks?

    @samarami Divide and conquer is the only way these days. My dad keeps encouraging me to look into hiring a landscaper to help out, I just don’t want to spend the extra money, but $35 a cutting is very reasonable. I need to price them out.
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    Working Mom Life Hacks?

    @thatjudekid That’s awesome!
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    Working Mom Life Hacks?

    @jacqueline52 Amazing! Have you seen the posts about assigning everyone a zone in the house that they are responsible for. I would love to implement it when my kids are a little older.
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    Working Mom Life Hacks?

    @grace_alone It makes a lot of sense!
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    Working Mom Life Hacks?

    @grace_alone I haven’t been able to get my head above ground long enough to think 2 weeks at a time, but that is my goal. Love the ground beef idea! We just bought 1/2 a cow and have lots of frozen uncooked ground beef. I could see how helpful it would be to have some cooked and ready to go.
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    Working Mom Life Hacks?

    @jamesmason10 It’s actually 2 gals that come together and they can do everything in about an hour. They are pretty affordable too. Ask on a local mom’s facebook group, that’s how I found mine. Amen to simple!
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    Working Mom Life Hacks?

    @jsilva18 We started when she was about three. All the cubes are labeled with a little picture so that it is that it’s her responsibility (with help) to put her laundry away.
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    Working Mom Life Hacks?

    @nativenewyorker1980 Nope, but my kiddo mostly wears jersey knit dresses, leggings, or tshirts. Nothing that is super prone to wrinkles. We do hang her “nice” dresses like the ones we wears to church. Also she is 5, so if they are a little wrinkled, no one cares 😂
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    Working Mom Life Hacks?

    @wonderer99 Crock pot meals are fantastic! Love the Sunday basket idea.
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    Working Mom Life Hacks?

    @kingdomkings Going to look into this! My spouse and I do a pretty good job of sharing the load, but it can get off balance, especially if one of us is struggling at work too.