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  1. C

    Another mom told me I have a fat a** today

    @sakura656 Well we see where the child got their behavior from
  2. C

    How to handle a kid hitting your kid?

    @stardustypsyche Exactly. Throwing punches is fun and games till somebody has a weapon that escalates the danger level. We don’t live in a “fistfight and it’s over” world anymore, there are more guns than people in America. I own guns myself but it seems like a lotta gun owners nowadays don’t...
  3. C

    How to handle a kid hitting your kid?

    @holydude Same here. Who hears that their 7 year old was hitting little girls half their age and says “obviously your preschooler started it” ? Not to be my mother but I don’t CARE who started it, raising emotionally regulated humans means DE ESCALATING ALWAYS, self defense is “they won’t listen...