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  1. J

    Ex illegally evicted us, yet wants custody

    @samuelxie Yep. Isn't it FUCKED that the cops told me literally the exact opposite? They literally, actively, enable and protect abusers.
  2. J

    Ex illegally evicted us, yet wants custody

    @parodyofjay My ex was punching holes in walls and threatening to hit me, and when the cops were called, I was told that he was "just blowing off steam" and "it's not like he actually hit you" and told me that I was free to leave, but I couldn't take my 18 month old with me. As if I should have...
  3. J

    Talking to my 6 y.o

    @goldenmindset We got a lot of duplicate toys and books for both houses, so when she's doing a video call with the other parent then we can play with/read the same thing. We also will do video swaps instead of calls; quicker messages so they don't lose their attention but it still helps foster...