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  1. T

    Complex ovarian cyst?

    @kiranlee Hi! Yes, I did. Turns out my cyst was exactly what they thought it was, hemorrhagic. Very happy and relieved to report that it has completely resolved, as has my pelvic pain. Still ttc and have been dealt with a devastating male factor infertility diagnosis, but hopeful we will have...
  2. T

    Complex ovarian cyst?

    @donaldzet Yes I was! I was on my second to last day of my period!
  3. T

    Complex ovarian cyst?

    Thank you to everyone who commented. I appreciate everyone’s advice and support!
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    Complex ovarian cyst?

    Fiancé and I have been ttc for about 3 months now, but haven’t had much luck. I think I had a chemical pregnancy during our first month of trying, but I’m not certain, as the days aren’t truly adding up. Around 7dpo I did get severe pelvic cramping and pain. It did however get better, and go...