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  1. C

    Birth story: unplanned c-section. Help me understand what happened. (TW: birth trauma)

    @bdspires Thank you!!! Glad you were able to get her out after that long, I know tired you must have been. In my case most likely because he was just too big not in the best position for my pelvis. If I had kept pushing it sounds like they would have tried the vacuum but given the state I was...
  2. C

    Birth story: unplanned c-section. Help me understand what happened. (TW: birth trauma)

    @boby777 It sounds like you made the best decision you could at the time so nothing to feel guilty about even though it did not go as you hoped. I can’t answer what the medical cause may have been for why he wasn’t descending, but even if you had felt good enough at the time to keep trying to...