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  1. G

    Questions and thoughts from a daycare teacher

    @mica_ I don’t know if you do some morning time together but if everyone says good morning in their languages and maybe you find a song like the little spider that exists in lots of languages to sing to
  2. G

    Do I still try to teach my son Spanish if I'm not fluent myself?

    @iamhereftw I would keep going and also try t9 switch your own media input to Spanish. Change your language on your tv to Spanish with Spanish subtitles (this way you can see and hear at the same time), listen to Spanish music and try to think in Spanish. Kids songs are a great way to learn it...
  3. G

    24 months - when to intervene?

    @andylondon Ours (German and English) doesn’t have a speech delay but I follow zazi on instagram who is a speech and language therapist here in New Zealand and I have learned lots of little tricks from her 5o help my daughters language development so maybe you find some helpful content on her...
  4. G

    Raising bilingual baby when second language isn’t native to either parent

    @dday I am speaking in German to my child (native language) and everyone around is speaking English apart from Skype calls and one friend we have. I am selfish and only teach things in German. English will follow naturally without effort. And considering you are a professor in Spanish you...