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    How do you find time to exercise?

    @gerimonte22 I've always been a morning exerciser but I do have more time in the evenings. Maybe I need to do a shift of mindset!
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    How do you find time to exercise?

    @audreyfromguam You're so right. Your last point especially, thank you.
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    How do you find time to exercise?

    @motsworld That's very encouraging. Well done!
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    How do you find time to exercise?

    @wolly Thank you for responding. I think you're right that I should just try and do exercise here and there but focus on eating, that's not a time sensitive thing. I'm a perfectionist in the most negative sense in that I'm 'all or nothing', I find myself thinking; if I can't exercise every day...
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    How do you find time to exercise?

    @hecallsmemightymanofvalor This would work for me if that wasn't when my husband works out. Maybe we could start a sort of rota system.
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    How do you find time to exercise?

    I have 2 daughters who are 3.5 and 15 months. I've set myself to be back to my pre baby weight (i.e. Losing 20lbs) by my youngest's 2nd Birthday. I enjoy exercise. I love running, although I'm rehabing a knee injury at the moment, I like weights and enjoy yoga but I'm finding it so hard to find...