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  1. L

    My daughter failed 9th grade and I do not know what to do about it

    @morgan772 My son had maybe 2-3 teachers this year that would reach out to me. One had a nephew with autism (like my son) so he put forth more of an effort to try to help him (unfortunately, my son didn't do the best to reciprocate) and ask me for advice on what to do. I didn't always have the...
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    My daughter failed 9th grade and I do not know what to do about it

    @farmerdex Oh I know exactly what you're saying. For my kid, it was French. If he had just done a few more assignments, he would have passed that class. Initially he really enjoyed the class and he did fairly well in it, but couple of months, he just stopped caring and putting in the effort. I...
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    My daughter failed 9th grade and I do not know what to do about it

    @farmerdex I wouldn't completely write off the summer school, there's a chance with there being less students there, that it might benefit her more. I had to go to summer school in my junior year of high school (I don't remember if they charged for it, it was so long ago) and it turned out to be...
  4. L

    My daughter failed 9th grade and I do not know what to do about it

    @faith20175 Similar issues with my son. He loved being able to stay home during Covid because he hated being at school, but it was so hard to get him back into the swing of things once he had to go back. He just barely passed his classes in 9th grade because he would do the bare minimum of work...