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  1. S

    How to respond to the people who say “WeLl CaN’t YoU jUsT wOrK fRoM hOmE?”

    @gainesvilledave I’ve been repeating this to others who have been downvoting my other comment - at the end of the day it all depends on how demanding the job is. I’ve stated multiple times my job isn’t that demanding and my company is VERY flexible and understanding with having kids at home.
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    How to respond to the people who say “WeLl CaN’t YoU jUsT wOrK fRoM hOmE?”

    @mahyrah I have a full time WFH job. I also have 2 kids, age 5 and 14 months old. My 5 year old goes to school M-Th for 2 1/2 hours each day and thankfully he rides the bus. Depending on how demanding the job is, I feel like you can def find your rhythm with taking care of your kid while wfh...
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    How to respond to the people who say “WeLl CaN’t YoU jUsT wOrK fRoM hOmE?”

    @terminal_marxicity If you’ve seen my other comments, I say it all depends on how demanding the job is. My job isn’t very demanding thankfully, and I can still get things done, give attention to my kids, etc and still work. I’ve gotten it done because it needed to be and I do what works for me...
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    How to respond to the people who say “WeLl CaN’t YoU jUsT wOrK fRoM hOmE?”

    @noam111g Yeah it did come off as you giving me shit. I lost my first when I was only 18 years old. I had just graduated from high school and a month later I went through a traumatic miscarriage. I feel like with parenting it really doesn’t matter anymore how long you’ve been doing the thing...
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    How to respond to the people who say “WeLl CaN’t YoU jUsT wOrK fRoM hOmE?”

    @noam111g I lost my first before I had my son. With my daughter I dealt with PPD while wfh. I don’t have to justify anything to anyone either. 🤷🏽‍♀️ Just giving my own personal experience. I H A T E when people tell me “you’re only just beginning just wait till they get older.” Like okay, all...
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    How to respond to the people who say “WeLl CaN’t YoU jUsT wOrK fRoM hOmE?”

    @noam111g I started my wfh job a month before having my daughter, I took 2 weeks of maternity leave, and went back to work. My previous comments I’ve stated my job isn’t as demanding as people think it is. I’m grateful my company is very flexible with having kids at home while working from home...
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    How to respond to the people who say “WeLl CaN’t YoU jUsT wOrK fRoM hOmE?”

    @teq Depending on how demanding the job is.. it’s possible to wfh and take care of an infant