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  1. I

    Kid turned 1. What’s next?

    @feliz Yeah totally thats my day too. Accept mine will magnet to TV if it's on at all so we just keep it off.
  2. I

    Kid turned 1. What’s next?

    @stassit You'll be fine. Plenty of kids get planted in front of a TV and end up fine, it's just better for them not as it improves chances and stuff. Every kid and every situation is different. But yeah good luck! The main reason I don't like it is because the blue light from screens blocks...
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    Kid turned 1. What’s next?

    @wordsb1truth F
  4. I

    Kid turned 1. What’s next?

    @stassit I'm at 9 months and SAHD. We do 0 screen time. He just crawls all around the house getting into stuff and me trailing after him as he explores and touches stuff. It is exhausting but I read reddit and books and stuff. I try not to be on my phone all the time but it's hard, that's what I...