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  1. O

    3 weeks solo with toddler. Ways to ease the load?

    @joshanna Echoing what others have said about new toys, new parks or playgrounds and outside time. Water play outside, small inflatable pool, water table paintbrush and a bucket of water. Or maybe a sensory bin or beans and rice and shovels and cars. One little trick I use to kill time on the...
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    Do you all accommodate any kids activity/sport you can? Or do you draw a line even if you COULD make it happen?

    @dennisbon It is such a fine line. We are aiming for the rule someone else mentioned if 2 activities each something physical and something artistic. We have some flexibility but generally can’t do much if it starts before 6pm between my husband’s commute and our hours. I think we would try to...
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    Should I switch my 5 year olds pre k from play based to structured?

    @caa55 I made a decision to switch my then 4 year old to a more structured daycare with a preschool program. She was in a much more informal home based program. She is the type to do her own thing, question rules and make it known if she wasn’t liking something. I felt a more structured...