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  1. L

    [Update] After ignoring the doctors, we gave birth to a healthy baby!

    @qu30 Yep we are. Of all the births that night, we were the only one that wasn't c section. The US medical system is the walking definition of "when you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail"
  2. L

    [Update] After ignoring the doctors, we gave birth to a healthy baby!

    @cedasheridan Yep my wife is only 5'3" and was barely over 100 pounds at the start of her pregnancy. Do focus on eating calorie dense food though. In the last few months, she ended up gaining 7-8 pounds, which really movedthe needle for our baby's weight.
  3. L

    [Update] After ignoring the doctors, we gave birth to a healthy baby!

    @tmento01 I'm so glad this helps! Our medical system definitely needs to do better in terms of personalizing the choice of intervention. Know that your concerns are valid and worth being listened to.
  4. L

    [Update] After ignoring the doctors, we gave birth to a healthy baby!

    @vanoldenphatt Exactly, which makes you wonder how exactly they can be so sure that induction is even necessary? Our doctors and even midwives were so dismissive when we pointed this out. They went out of their way to find more little details as to how he's small just so they could convince us...
  5. L

    [Update] After ignoring the doctors, we gave birth to a healthy baby!

    @petercouture Thank you stranger! 🙂 For us, the doctors told us each ultrasound was effective for 72 hours. If you elect to wait, what's helpful is that each successive ultrasound where the baby is healthy is further proof everything is fine.
  6. L

    [Update] After ignoring the doctors, we gave birth to a healthy baby!

    This is an update for this post where I was asking for advice on inducing labor. The short of it was that our doctors wanted to induce labor for our son at 37 weeks at 4 pounds 6 ounces. Their explanation was that he was at the 2 percentile in terms of weight and they don't know what's wrong. I...