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  1. H

    Ridiculous Daycare/Pre-K Policy

    @andrea0601 I’ll just speak for my family. We don’t regularly give our kids processed sugary foods. When they go to a birthday party or holiday celebration, we let them eat what all the other kids are eating. So if my kid was in OP’s daycare, I’d be fine with them having cookies or whatever...
  2. H

    Ridiculous Daycare/Pre-K Policy

    @openthedoor23 Nothing you’ve said here makes the daycare sound unreasonable or unfair. So they have a party every other week when every kid is allowed treats. That sounds like the perfect “out” to give your kid a soft landing from getting a treat every day. I think you’re letting your kid pull...
  3. H

    Ridiculous Daycare/Pre-K Policy

    @openthedoor23 Would it kill you to go along with the policy even if you disagree with it? I don’t think it’s a crazy policy tbh.