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    What is the dumbest thing you’ve heard?

    @qurban Response options: Did you mean to ask that out loud? What an odd thing to say. What do you mean by that? You think one of my kids isn’t a good kid? (Feign lots of hurt ignorance) I hope that’s not something you ask other twin parents! If so, you’re lucky I’m here to tell you that...
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    What is the dumbest thing you’ve heard?

    @msmistk0 That last sentence kid caught me so off guard that I laughed so hard I choked. Not sure if you meant it as a joke, but it just really got me.
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    Having twins is my favorite thing

    @maylicia Oh my gosh! I don’t know if I will ever get over there total lack of concern for themselves and their other twin when they figure out games like that. No survival instinct!
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    Having twins is my favorite thing

    @debbie351 I think it starts getting pretty good around 5 months. They sleep a bit more and become more like humans which helps make everything else worth it.
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    Having twins is my favorite thing

    @debbie351 The newborn stage is really hard, I can’t lie, but there’s a lot of good moments in it too!
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    Having twins is my favorite thing

    @english_episcopalian I think I’m always going to think their current age is my favorite because that’s who they are right now! And they are my favorite people.
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    Having twins is my favorite thing

    @veritas1899 It hits me at random times that I have twins and that this isn’t most people’s lives. Like woah… I had two babies at the same time!
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    Having twins is my favorite thing

    @tchan777 That is so sweet!! I agree that the first few months were really hard and I wonder if that’s part of why every other age seems so amazing. My husband and I tell each other we got so lucky all the time. We don’t know how we got this lucky but we are so happy about it.
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    Feelings you’d have twins..?

    @twinmum My husband and I joked about seeing signs we would have twins long before we were ever pregnant. Than when I was pregnant, I kept telling my family that I feel like it’s twins and it’s my fault because we manifested it and my family told me I was crazy until my ultrasound proved me...
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    Having twins is my favorite thing

    @wonderfullife321 I know it’s important for folks to have a place to vent and get advice on the difficult parts, but it should also be a place to celebrate the incredible parts too.
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    Having twins is my favorite thing

    When I was pregnant with twins and then trying to get through the newborn phase it felt like all I heard were the troubles coming my way with toddlers. Or maybe that’s all that stuck out in my mind? But my b/g twins are almost 2 1/2 and I love this stage so much. Here are some of my favorite...