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  1. R

    New dads, don’t forget to celebrate your wives tomorrow

    @phogstenjr It’s nice that you like these things. It’s nice that other moms like different things. It’s nice that you like your family. It’s nice that some women want boundaries with their families of origin. You don’t have to do what other women do, and we can all respect each other for...
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    Why should I even bother exercising and counting calories? (Breastfeeding, 3 months pp)

    @kansasgirl the "effortless loss" needs to be banned! it gives me such intense sadness/shame/FOMO. i so badly want to be one of those women who are like 'i sneezed and lost 20 lbs of water weight' but instead everything i consume just stays in my body forever, it seems.
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    Why should I even bother exercising and counting calories? (Breastfeeding, 3 months pp)

    @johnathan_d_hill I mean, i will have everything and anything checked, and i know i shouldn’t wish a thyroid problem but damn if there was an answer and a solution that’d almost feel great. I think what’s so frustrating about post partum weight loss is that there often IS no answer. There’s no...
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    Why should I even bother exercising and counting calories? (Breastfeeding, 3 months pp)

    @manoffiji OMG… you are 2 months in my future and idk i feel solidarity but also doom haha. Its clear to me i need to change my mindset because if i keep making weight loss my goal it sounds like I’m just going to be disappointed over and over again. Its depressing. Your comment about “no one...
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    Why should I even bother exercising and counting calories? (Breastfeeding, 3 months pp)

    @christian002 i noticed you mention kids plural! did you have multiples, and did you give have time/capacity/luck to make the progress you wanted to see in between pregnancies? this is weighing on me too, tbh. the "why should i even bother" continues into "if i want to get pregnant again in...
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    Why should I even bother exercising and counting calories? (Breastfeeding, 3 months pp)

    @christian002 I am all for functional fitness that makes life easier! That’s why strength training makes sense to me. And honestly mobility or yoga would make a lot of sense to me bc I am not feeling great playing on the floor, bathing baby tub side. Ow. Lots of pain. Cardio makes sense the...
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    Why should I even bother exercising and counting calories? (Breastfeeding, 3 months pp)

    I gained 50 lbs during pregnancy, lost maybe 15 lbs right after pregnancy, and then gained 5-7 lbs back in the 3 months of breastfeeding. So that brings my grand total of weight loss in pregnancy to.... ummm about 7-10 lbs depending on the day. Over 3 months. So for simplicity, I'm still holding...