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  1. R

    Is there a significant difference between a 3-3.5 vs. 3.5-4 year age gap?

    @katrina2017 Very interesting, thank you for your perspective. I’m becoming more anxious over what 3 might be like compared to 2. Although of course there are many great things about this age too (already a big increase in language and communication, lots of laughter and more interest in fun...
  2. R

    Is there a significant difference between a 3-3.5 vs. 3.5-4 year age gap?

    @jazzyd777 Makes sense. I could go for just a little less tantrummy for sure! I hear a lot about the difficulties of age 3 even more so than the typical “terrible 2s”.
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    Is there a significant difference between a 3-3.5 vs. 3.5-4 year age gap?

    @fateh I’m so sorry for your losses and that is a great point, it’s hard to think about but I know we can try so hard to control things but ultimately much of it is beyond our control. Hoping for healing for you
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    Is there a significant difference between a 3-3.5 vs. 3.5-4 year age gap?

    @treyg The difference between 3.5 to 4 is definitely interesting to me. I can see a huge difference in my son over the past 6 months so I can imagine how that continues to unfold.
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    Is there a significant difference between a 3-3.5 vs. 3.5-4 year age gap?

    @wendysue1959 This makes a lot of sense and is a whole other thing we’ve been learning the hard way. We just started potty training a little over a month ago mostly according to the “oh crap” / Big Little Feelings method and it has absolutely not been as straightforward as they seem to suggest...
  6. R

    Is there a significant difference between a 3-3.5 vs. 3.5-4 year age gap?

    My son is almost 2y3m and we have been starting to think more seriously about when to potentially try for another. I am more like 80% sure of wanting another while my husband says he’s 100% sure. Recently our son has been getting even more mischievous and pushing limits (usually just minor...