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  1. P

    18 month old STILL won’t sleep and I’m at breaking point. Desperately seeking advice

    @sherwood4400 No but we go to lots of playgroups. Will be checking her poo tomorrow ! Yay!
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    18 month old STILL won’t sleep and I’m at breaking point. Desperately seeking advice

    @agent47 Big hugs to you. I may end up in the same boat! One day they’ll sleep…one day. Take care
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    18 month old STILL won’t sleep and I’m at breaking point. Desperately seeking advice

    @agent47 Big hugs to you. I may end up in the same boat! One day they’ll sleep…one day. Take care x
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    18 month old STILL won’t sleep and I’m at breaking point. Desperately seeking advice

    @gospeljb Yeah it makes sense I guess, it’s a huge and strange thing. Just frustrating cause like…when will she be settled if not now?! Sadly it doesn’t matter if she naps well or badly, the nighttime sleep is anyone’s guess lol. Will defo stick a nightlight in there and see if that helps tho...
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    18 month old STILL won’t sleep and I’m at breaking point. Desperately seeking advice

    @brh1989 So glad you’re feeling better, I can definitely give this a go too
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    18 month old STILL won’t sleep and I’m at breaking point. Desperately seeking advice

    @dtom And there goes the rug 😂 best of luck to you, that sounds full on but very exciting!
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    18 month old STILL won’t sleep and I’m at breaking point. Desperately seeking advice

    @dtom It’s good to hear this in a weird way because you can never get too comfortable 😂 you never know when the rug is gonna be pulled out. Glad he’s finally on one wake up though!
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    18 month old STILL won’t sleep and I’m at breaking point. Desperately seeking advice

    @moonbeams I commend your acceptance, i’m really struggling with being constantly in demand again. I feel like we’ve taken three steps backwards. Swings and roundabouts ey!
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    18 month old STILL won’t sleep and I’m at breaking point. Desperately seeking advice

    @whosthe2witnesses Thank you for the link. She’s always been a 7 o’clock gal but with the clocks changing maybe I should have let her be 8 for the summer. Oh god knows. It’s like nothing works. Anyway, thanks for the tips!
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    18 month old STILL won’t sleep and I’m at breaking point. Desperately seeking advice

    @manishk012 Oh my god, you are a hero. Power to you. Sleep demon is absolutely spot on! Best of luck!
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    18 month old STILL won’t sleep and I’m at breaking point. Desperately seeking advice

    @trevjelinek Wow this is really solid advice, thank you for taking the time to share it. I will definitely be taking it! I have everything crossed! Thank you again
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    18 month old STILL won’t sleep and I’m at breaking point. Desperately seeking advice

    @manishk012 We aim for 2 hours, 11-1 but it varies. Glad you’re finally getting some rest. I think I have to accept she’s a low sleep needs baby 😳 haha
  13. P

    18 month old STILL won’t sleep and I’m at breaking point. Desperately seeking advice

    Hey fellow mums and moms. A desperate rant and question about terrible toddler sleep. Thank you in advance. My incredible girl is 18 months old. She’s never been great at sleeping. I breastfed on demand at night and co slept since she was about 4 months. It was ROUGH. Eventually, around the...