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  1. M

    Caught Herpangina from my kids

    @confusedrc Ugh that sounds miserable, sorry you are dealing with this. If I recall correctly by the two week mark I was fully recovered. It felt like forever while I was going through it though. Hoping you recover quickly!
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    Caught Herpangina from my kids

    @bluebutterfly21 Oof! I totally agree, it’s up there in pain level with strep throat
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    Caught Herpangina from my kids

    @swiftbreeze Being sick while traveling/vacation is a whole new level of suck! Glad to hear the worst was over after four days. I got hit harder than my kids too haha. Glad they didn’t have to go through the throat pain (rather me than them!)
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    Caught Herpangina from my kids

    @cbc8171 Good to hear it resolved after a week or so! I have hope that I won’t be this miserable forever lol. My kids and partner thankfully didn’t get the ulcers.
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    Caught Herpangina from my kids

    @greece777 I know right?! Hahahaha. Whether you call it Herpangina or Cocksackie virus it sounds equally STD. The lesions are also embarrassingly gross. 😫😂
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    Caught Herpangina from my kids

    @theisticlogicianlogoninon I live in northern Canada so it’s super cold out. I’ll try this!
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    Caught Herpangina from my kids

    @keatongtsteven Aww your poor little one (and you too!). I’m hearing a lot of people say ~2 weeks to fully resolve. I see the light at the end of the tunnel haha. Glad you two are feeling better. :) I should go out and get some Cepacol!
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    Caught Herpangina from my kids

    @bartgroot96 Glad she was feeling better after a week. That’s rough. Also gives me hope that I’ll turn a corner soon with recovery!
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    Caught Herpangina from my kids

    @bartgroot96 Aww poor thing :( How long did she take to recover?
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    Caught Herpangina from my kids

    @alexw That’s awesome! I’ll look into those. Right now I have the cold and flu pills that are basically horse pills. Liquids would be much better.
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    Caught Herpangina from my kids

    @iknowthetruth I’m all stocked up on Advil and Tylenol now. Glad to hear it only took a couple weeks for the worst of it to be past you. I’ve discovered so many “new” viruses since having kids haha
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    Caught Herpangina from my kids

    @ky_gal That’s a relief to hear!
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    Caught Herpangina from my kids

    @intheuk My partner had to get a special mouthwash when we had HFM years ago. I’m using Throat Coat tea and it seems to be taking the edge off. Thank you, looking forward to being sick free soon (my holidays just started so I’ll be doing a lot of resting not!)
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    Caught Herpangina from my kids

    @rbroyal Herpangina is the worst name hahahaha. I just tell people I caught the Cocksackie virus but it doesn’t sound any better 😜
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    Caught Herpangina from my kids

    @katrina2017 Thank you!
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    Caught Herpangina from my kids

    @guinhamoura13 Good point. Will go to a walk in clinic to get it checked out!
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    Caught Herpangina from my kids

    @kitcatrn Yikes! Good point.
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    Caught Herpangina from my kids

    @romans_5 Both HFM and Herpangina are caused by the Cocksackie virus (it’s just that Herpangina causes ulcers in mouth only). I had HFM about 4-5 years ago and it was equally miserable lol
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    Caught Herpangina from my kids

    @katrina2017 If it doesn’t resolve I’ll definitely see a doctor. It looks strikingly similar to hand foot and mouth but is only impacting my mouth. My symptoms are also following a viral pattern. Very suspicious of Herpangina!
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    Caught Herpangina from my kids

    @katrina2017 Yikes, that sounds miserable! Hoping this is a one time thing for sure. Glad it finally resolved for you (although sucks that it took a bout of Covid for it to go away).