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  1. R

    Slow Rising hCG

    @akanbi Thanks. Only bled for a week after miscarriage. My partner and I are back at it lol
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    Slow Rising hCG

    @akanbi Well my hcg went down to 380. I’m definitely miscarrying. Here’s to trying on a different cycle
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    Slow Rising hCG

    @akanbi Did the blood draw today; still waiting on the results. They usually post on the patient portal between 9pm-11:30pm PST.
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    Slow Rising hCG

    @crochetninja Yep. I asked, “You’re not concerned about the dip and how it came back up?” She said without concern, “No. I’ve seen this tiny dip many times before and all was fine.” They can’t get me sooner than Tuesday for an ultrasound. I’m having my blood drawn again today to see where my hcg...
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    Slow Rising hCG

    @akanbi Definitely keeping an eye out. So far not there but that’s definitely the plan
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    Slow Rising hCG

    @akanbi My LMP was around the last week of March 🙁
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    Slow Rising hCG

    @akanbi One thing to add this situation is that I had spotting that has now turning to a light/regular flow of a period. I let my ob no about this too and she’s still not concerned since I’m not experiencing any pain and it’s not heavy. Just don’t know at this point.
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    Slow Rising hCG

    @akanbi Sorry, I couldn’t tell you DPO. I have no idea when I ovulated as it’s never on the same cycle day (or same week every month). But my levels were as follows 5/7/2021 167 5/10/2021 315 5/14/2021 488 5/17/2021 481 5/19/2021 548
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    Slow Rising hCG

    Has anybody experienced or know someone who had slow rising hCG but still had a healthy pregnancy? I’m going through this right now and while I’ve been finding a lot of negative outcomes related to this, my Ob seems to not be very worried about it. My first ultrasound is next week so we’ll know...