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  1. K

    My little secret ;)

    @peacewithin I being the pram inside and then park it out on the balcony (and go inside and close the balcony door again if it's winter 😂). Both kids sleep well like that!
  2. K

    Preschool before 3 y.o

    @whothesonsetsfreeisfree Both my girls started at around one, and both really enjoyed being around other kids. Contrary to much of the literature, they did interact with the other kids, passed toys back and forth, chased each other etc. Under the age of 3 though, I think attachment is really...
  3. K

    How to prepare 8mo for sleep w/o me at childcare

    @tommyp Most children adapt fine to daycare and sleeping in a different environment. Babies who are nursed to sleep do just fine if they are rocked or something else. even mine who wouldn't let her dad put her to sleep, did fine at daycare. BUT , daycare needs to be willing to help her. If they...