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  1. M

    I wish I had listened to my gut

    @gakelley I'm so very sorry for your loss and that they didn't take you seriously 😔 it will never not break my heart when some medical professionals fail to care about our babies..
  2. M

    Does anyone have any subchorionic haematoma stories with a happy ending?

    @iamfree67 Absolutely a positive story here, although in my case I didn't have any bleeding. I went to the ER for a slip down some icy stairs at 10w. An ultrasound showed my healthy baby but also a small SCH (likely had nothing to do with the slip, just a coincidence we found it then). Although...
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    I now know what a blighted ovum is…

    @frncsca A similar thing happened to me during my first pregnancy when I lived in Germany. My first scan was at 7w3d. Only a GS and a yolk sac was seen, but the OB didn't tell me that wasn't normal, and I didn't know any better myself. They sent me home with all the "welcome, new mom" stuff, and...
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    I now know what a blighted ovum is…

    @dennondeo I went through the same thing with my first pregnancy. I knew miscarriages could happen, but I didn't realize they could happen silently like that. I'm so sorry you're going through this. Just know it was still a loss and you're still allowed to grieve. I struggled with that because...