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    Crying my eyes out over low HCG at 10 DPO. Is this a chemical?

    @europeanmiaphysite Update as promised: I started bleeding over the weekend and HCG in blood today is 2,6 mlu/ml so it was 100% a chemical.
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    Crying my eyes out over low HCG at 10 DPO. Is this a chemical?

    @europeanmiaphysite Sure, I’ll find out on Monday. My tests didn’t get darker and all symptoms I had faded so I am pretty sure it is a chemical sadly. Period is 1 day late
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    Crying my eyes out over low HCG at 10 DPO. Is this a chemical?

    @oceanwaves I am glad to hear it worked out for you! ❤️ yes, I will probably hold off testing until missed period from now on - I’ve wasted so many preg tests. 12 DPO and the line is still barely visible, so I am pretty sure I need to guard my heart.
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    Crying my eyes out over low HCG at 10 DPO. Is this a chemical?

    @inquirer17 Thank you. Yes mine is 0.15 mg. Strange, the vitamins were recommended to my by my ob. I will stop taking them for a couple days to see if something changes. But I will try to mentally prepare myself. I did look it up and it seems biotin trully interferes if you take around 5 mg but...
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    Crying my eyes out over low HCG at 10 DPO. Is this a chemical?

    @inquirer17 Thank you. I don’t have frer where I live but I’ve done strips too - results are the same across all tests. 150 μg of biotin in mine
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    Crying my eyes out over low HCG at 10 DPO. Is this a chemical?

    @jorsen12 Yeah, my tests are very faint still, which isn’t helping my anxiety. I am trying to hope it will be darker tomorrow
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    Crying my eyes out over low HCG at 10 DPO. Is this a chemical?

    @foundlamb Thank you, I am glad to hear yours rose so quickly ❤️ I have to wait until 17 dpo, will try to remain hopeful
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    Crying my eyes out over low HCG at 10 DPO. Is this a chemical?

    @cerddoriaeth idk if this may be useful to you or anyone else here but doc called me back and said my levels are good and hcg is low as it is very early. She recommended to repeat all 3 tests on Monday and to increase my folic acid intake to 1000 mg (I take 800 right now)
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    Crying my eyes out over low HCG at 10 DPO. Is this a chemical?

    @cerddoriaeth Yeah I guess I will come in for another test, thank you
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    Crying my eyes out over low HCG at 10 DPO. Is this a chemical?

    @cerddoriaeth Yeah I am pretty sure as I used ovulation strips. i could be 1 day off max. 11 dpo and the test isn’t any darker sadly
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    Crying my eyes out over low HCG at 10 DPO. Is this a chemical?

    @queen4lord Thank you! Well to be fair the lines on all my tests are barely visible, have been this way for 3 days now, so I doubt it will change at this point. I will ofcourse test tomorrow morning but if it stays light I will just try to go see my OB ☹️ i don’t have the intense cramps I had...
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    Crying my eyes out over low HCG at 10 DPO. Is this a chemical?

    @queen4lord Thank you, that is informative! I think I am sadly not doing well. Held it in for almost 4 h and the line is not there at all 🤷‍♀️.
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    Crying my eyes out over low HCG at 10 DPO. Is this a chemical?

    @queen4lord I also wanted to ask you if you tested at home too at 11+ dpo? Did the line get darker by 12 DPO?
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    Crying my eyes out over low HCG at 10 DPO. Is this a chemical?

    @queen4lord Thank you, this is very reassuring ❤️ i should probably stay off google - saw other girls asking whether 20 was too low for 10 dpo and assumed I was doomed. Probably all that estrogen is driving me mad
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    Crying my eyes out over low HCG at 10 DPO. Is this a chemical?

    @tigr Thank you, this is a little reassuring. ❤️
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    Crying my eyes out over low HCG at 10 DPO. Is this a chemical?

    Yesterday (9 DPO) I dreamt of taking a positive pregnancy test. Woke up, tested and got a very faint line on 2 tests. Was super excited. Today the line was just as faint but I didn’t stress it. My ob asked me to come in for estrogen and progesterone tests the second I suspect I may be...