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  1. A

    Shared in my wife's FB Mom's Group

    @mizm I
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    Grand multiparity pregnancy?

    @seinfeld I had a hemorrhage after my 7th was born. Up until that one, no issues. I will say, everyone kept feeling my uterus and they kept saying it was odd because it was doing a great job contracting on its own. So it wasn't like a uterine atony issue. There also wasn't any retained placenta...
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    Which transition was hardest?

    @texan2 0-1 was probably the mostly personally jarring. I was used to living for myself, and then all of a sudden I wasn't the center of my own life anymore, and that was a difficult transition. 1-2 was hard but not as bad as either 0-1 or 2-3. Our 3rd baby was a very high-needs baby, so that...