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  1. D

    7 month old won’t drink hypoallergenic formula

    @caryw That's an important point too! We've just always done cold because it's way easier, so we've never considered warming.
  2. D

    7 month old won’t drink hypoallergenic formula

    @forhisglory115 What temperature are you offering? I've heard some babies take it better when cold because it makes it taste less bad (I don't recommend tasting it yourself unless you like gross old parmesan cheese). Our LO has taken alimentum, nutramigen, and generic hypoallergenic, but she's...
  3. D

    Anyone else feel like it's a struggle to get baby out and about?

    @ajay003 I totally get it! My girl is a very social baby too, she loves faces. I do feel a lot more comfortable taking my 6 month old out in public now that she's vaccinated. I really like taking her places outside (I also have dogs so we have to walk outside a bunch anyway). I'm sort of looking...