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    11 m/o getting ear tubes Friday

    @ourgodiswonderful Of course! Happy to help!
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    11 m/o getting ear tubes Friday

    @orthodoxforever Second all of this!
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    11 m/o getting ear tubes Friday

    @ourgodiswonderful Hi! I’m a medical professional that works in peds ENT. It can be very common to have anywhere from a mild to severe hearing loss with chronic middle ear effusion (fluid on ears) or chronic and/or recurrent otitis media (ear infections). Usually it is conductive hearing loss...
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    Doctor said my 6mo needs PT

    @brianball I agree, those are all great solutions, in a perfect system with no flaws. If only. My oldest brother is a physician and most of those incentives were offered when he took his first job (particularly loan forgiveness) which ultimately was his main reason for taking that job. One of...
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    Doctor said my 6mo needs PT

    @brianball It’s not all about money and insurance, or a shrinking pool of doctors due to one congressional bill. The shortage of medical professionals is multi factorial which is for a whole other post. It has just as much to do with Americans in particular being sicker, living longer, in...