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    Ads and instructions for the Fisher Price Newborn Rock n Play Sleeper

    @eugen I dunno, maybe this is a culture thing, we are a shoes off house so I just plop my babies down on the floor.
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    When people are talking about wake window times (i.e. 1.5/1.75/1.75/2) do they have set nap lengths as well?

    @nathan_jucal Once baby is older we moved to a clock based schedule- so on two naps fully scheduled, three naps beginning and end of the day scheduled, four+ naps- just a consistent wake in the morning, rough bed time zone. So yeah nap length for a little baby is all over the place and that's...
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    3rd attempt at Sleep training finally worked - did 1 thing differently!

    @kimbijane And yet as baby grows sometimes you need a little push to help them- I was about losing my mind at 11 months at how often she was feeding.
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    9 month old won’t sleep at daycare!

    @caminator This is not a developmentally appropriate nap schedule for a 9 month old, no wonder he's only sleeping 30 minutes, he's awake way too long in the morning. Short naps can be a sign of over tiredness. (Also under tired but unless he's waking up for the day at 10am, I don't think this...
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    Washing question

    @lourdes I use flats which are a bit bulkier, if you just use pocket style inserts then yeah, I can see a bulking issue. But as long as you prewash each day, they should be fine to wait that long.
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    PLS sleep group

    @nickseand Try extending those later windows a smidge to see if it helps with the one hour window. Yeah, pick a time where it's "night time" (maybe 8-7?) And teach her it's night by keeping it boring. She might go down later than 8 some nights depending on how naps fall, but if she's asleep...
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    Question about weird period after initiating weaning!! I’m nervous

    @bknight006 Man, I forget that America has questionable health care. Sorry. Please check in in the morning with us so we know you're ok and maybe try and find the hotline.
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    Question about weird period after initiating weaning!! I’m nervous

    @bknight006 Look, it's always worth a phone call to your medical provider if you are worried. That said, I've been following the corona vaccines and the blood clotting they are worried about with the vaccines shows up minimum 4 days after, and you're looking for things like headache, leg...
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    PLS sleep group

    @nickseand So what we found is that we picked a time that we wouldn't wake after. We found that the last nap became bed time if we didn't wake her from it. So in your example, 5:30 wake up, too early to call bed time. Next nap might be bed time if you're lucky! I found at this age an...
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    PLS sleep group

    @nickseand You're doing really well. All of this sounds like it's really normal for the age, hang in there. Bed time will solidify soon but not quite yet. Sunshine in the morning to help circadian rhythm. Avoid screens in the last window. If you pump, give night milk at night. Stimulation...
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    Ads and instructions for the Fisher Price Newborn Rock n Play Sleeper

    @martin53 But she's sticking it to the man! The government won't let you have this so it must be good! 🙃
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    PLS sleep group

    @nickseand I might be big-noting our community here at r/sleeptrain but I think we can offer you about the same amount of support- for free! What issues are you struggling with still?
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    “No DoNt Do ThAt YoU’LL HaVe To cLeAn ThE DiApErS!!!!!!!” - half our family/friends reactions when I said we’re doing cloth

    @rajaiklan It's so out there! I thought the "whatcha gonna do when they get poop on their clothes" was a solid (heh) argument! I mean I have washed baby poo off my clothes- no way am I junking a pair of jeans.
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    3rd attempt at Sleep training finally worked - did 1 thing differently!

    @opsthryl So glad it worked for you! We love our schedule too (really kicked in with two naps at 7 months). That said, you weren't wrong in how you approached things with a newborn, it's just as an older baby schedule really helps.
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    Taking Cara Babies v Ferber

    @lvw Right at the top, cyclemam's baby sleep guide
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    Taking Cara Babies v Ferber

    @extiff Baby sleep guide in my profile with gentle methods
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    PLS S.W.A.P

    @felipeoliveir I have a gentle sleep guide in my profile, if that helps. Maybe give baby a chance method? Also schedule really can help, especially staying up a long enough time before bed. I found the sleep theory in PLS more helpful than the actual methods.
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    Not pumping very much

    @informant If you've eliminated dairy, perhaps you aren't getting the same calories as earlier to keep up production, as a wild guess.
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    I’m just f%cking tired

    @pencil_on_paper Bahahahahahaha at the minutes. We had a win for gender equality recently on a board that we were on when a man was nominated as minutes secretary. It's amazing to see him break new ground for his gender. (This was after no women were available...)
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    Can someone help me with a proper schedule for my 16 week old?

    @penguinpet At around this age I used "if in doubt use a 2 hour window" - try 1.5/2/2/2/2.5 (or throw in an extra 2/ in the middle for 5 naps) I have a baby sleep guide in my profile with gentle methods, it's time to work on bedtime being independent, though still responding to night wakes.