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  1. J

    Newly single mother..(repost from /r/parenting)

    @donner1 Well the day he left us i woke up and found a note saying "i quit", im paraphrasing here, a couple hundred dollars in cash and a form signing his parental rights away.
  2. J

    Newly single mother..(repost from /r/parenting)

    @namukisa Aww thanks, i hope i do a good job raising him. I already drop him off to day care every day, doesnt make it any less hard.
  3. J

    Newly single mother..(repost from /r/parenting)

    @chinaclowns1 Thank you:)
  4. J

    Newly single mother..(repost from /r/parenting)

    @tmaple I've come close to slipping but caught myself, i'm able to vent to my sister when we have lunch dates so i have an outlet while he isnt around.
  5. J

    Newly single mother..(repost from /r/parenting)

    So long story short, a couple weeks ago my bf of 4 years left me and our 2 year old son. I've already taken the neccessary legal actions in gaining full custody and given the situation i'm 99% positive i will be granted full custody (1% for exceptions because life). That being said, i'm looking...