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    How can I tell whether I really want another, or just feel like I should?

    @amandabritobaez I was like this. We had a date to try again due to daycare costs for 2 being too much for us. But as the date approached, and I saw how much more independent my son was, I was filled with dread and anxiety about starting all over again. For me it was hard to know when my first...
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    As we’re home today w the kids for the holiday…

    @annaad0617 Yes! So much this! My husband’s grandparents designed our house. There is no dead space- every single hallway has cupboards, there are 45 cupboard and drawer faces in our kitchen (that work- not just for show) and two built in cutting boards. I have 87 square feet of counter space (I...
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    NoRmAl PaReNtS dOnT hOmEsChOoL

    @danielgene That is tragic. Also has absolutely zero to do with being homeschooled or choosing to homeschool.
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    Baby #2 Posts

    @debbs3692 Yes. I did feel that way, that I was defective because I couldn’t fathom having another. But what I have come to realize is that 1. The women I knew had support. My husband was working out of town 4-6 days a week every week. I was handling everything. I had no ability to tap out...
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    As we’re home today w the kids for the holiday…

    @yesjesus Yes! We don’t have an open concept because our house was built on 1984. I love that I can’t see in my kitchen from my living room, and the dining room is nowhere a tv can be seen. I love it.
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    NoRmAl PaReNtS dOnT hOmEsChOoL

    @katieoh I am genuinely curious now and want to see this post. Can anyone tell me, even in a PM what sub to look for? No cross posting. I could not home school due to my lack of abilities and the fact that I bring in half of our family’s income. But homeschooling done right can be wonderful! I...
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    Unicorn baby solidified OAD

    @solarisus No. He has a ton of cousins he sees regularly and sees sibling dynamics that he has no interest in having in his home. He loves the fun when with friends and cousins, but likes having quiet decompression space.
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    Unicorn baby solidified OAD

    @samanthaadams I also had a unicorn baby and he’s largely a unicorn kid still. I had friends and family with hard babies and I just didn’t think I could handle that especially with two kids. My kiddo is 11 now and there are no regrets.
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    Why Did I Become a Mom in the U.S.?

    @aklil Oof yup. My husband and I wanted 2 kids, maybe three when we were young and hadn’t had kids yet. My husband works for the railroad, so is never home. I work full time. And my job when our son was young was not at all flexible. Because of the horrific healthcare for women in this country...
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    So tired of being gaslighted when I say I had a traumatic birthing experience *TRIGGER WARNING*

    @hyacynthia I had a traumatic c-section too. It’s been over 9 years since I went through it and I can tell you, I definitely still remember it. It was an awful experience. Do not let anyone diminish your feelings. I will say that it seems like there is this really gross and misguided notion that...
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    Reasons for having another child?

    @hktm16 The only reason I think is a good one to have another child is because you want to raise another human. I have an only child, because I really didn’t want to raise another. I have friends that had a second that wanted another and are very happy. I have friends that had a second due to...
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    Are you OAD because you're scared of childbirth? C-sec to VBAC

    @stewy0042 My son is 11 now, and we have many reasons why OAD worked for our family, but birth trauma is among them. Everything about the 3 weeks leading up to and his delivery were terrible. I had no interest in going through it again. It’s okay to not want to put your body through serious trauma.
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    I’m an idiot and MatLeave in this country sucks

    @briand1018 Minnesota just passed this into law! Finally something. But it’s brutal to be a working mom in the US.
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    "The Wagon Stroller Will be a Waste of Money Without a Sibling..."

    @snpdoll11 I had a wagon for my only when he was tiny! It was awesome! Not gonna lie, your husband’s logic astounds me. And just remember, you only have a few years left of baby jail. Once you have a school aged kid, life is so much easier. I bet he will change his tune once you have a kid in...
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    Torn on being one and down

    @21chicken I had a similar experience to you, except we tried to get pregnant. We ended up tabling our “have another baby discussion” until our son was 5 because we couldn’t afford childcare for 2 small kids simultaneously. And I was uncomfortable with the long term financial impacts of not...
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    Are you OAD because you're scared of childbirth? C-sec to VBAC

    @kalenebari I know it is in the US, but was wondering if it is normal from this commenter’s answer elsewhere.
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    No free time, no social life. No more. Wife disagrees

    @wisdomandlove So, my husband was totally in for a second. It would have been fine for him because he is gone a lot and I was the one doing the heavy lifting (and still am). We made a decision together to wait a little while. Then when that little while was up, I was honest- I cannot do this...
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    Are you OAD because you're scared of childbirth? C-sec to VBAC

    @hirokoegan Whoa- wait- are you telling me that where you’re from they actually will knock you out for a c section? Because being conscious for mine just really added to the trauma.
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    Quality over quantity?

    @matteus Ha! She totally is. And hoping for some great grand babes in the next few years. One married and two engaged grand kids with weddings next year means she could absolutely get her wish in the next 5 years.
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    Quality over quantity?

    @jesusisking123 I do not stay at home, but there was absolutely an expectation that we would have more than one from my husband’s family. My husband is one of 7 kids, and my in-laws have 20 grandchildren. We have only contributed the one. So our family definitely expected we would have more. As...