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  1. L

    Does anyone have any subchorionic haematoma stories with a happy ending?

    @iamfree67 Massive bleed at 12 weeks, while travelling. Pelvic rest, modified bed rest, and magnesium supplementation for two weeks. Another huge bleed at 15 weeks, where I found out about the SCH, and was told there was nothing they could do specifically to help. They did put me back on...
  2. L

    Potential high risk mamas: how often are you testing for hCG, progesterone, or others?

    @josyegeta Thank you! It has been quite a ride so far indeed. I hope for your sake that you don't need any of that though! Good luck to you too.
  3. L

    Potential high risk mamas: how often are you testing for hCG, progesterone, or others?

    @josyegeta My RE and OB clinic both didn't test for progesterone. When I asked about testing levels, they told me serum levels of progesterone weren't significant. Having said which, I was put on routine supplementation up till 12 weeks (2 mg of dydrogesterone a day, and 200 units of...