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    How do you accomplish the mindset change to be comfortable/confident in your decision to be a SAHP?

    @oddduck123 I had built a successful business from the time I was 19 till I was 25, I made a very comfortable income and I loved my job. I was successful and proud of my accomplishments, and I wasn’t supposed to ever be able to have a child according to several doctors. When I got pregnant...
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    SAHPs who work out, how and when do you do it?

    @halo235689 So I just had my baby a little over 2 months ago, and I’ve started my regular workout routine again as of last week. I try to do a short workout video in the morning (10-30 minutes) while my husband watches the baby for me, then later in the day I go for a long walk with the dog (and...
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    Considering quitting to SAH- looking for perspective on kid in full-time daycare

    @billyli As a child who was thrust into (good) daycares from a young age, I strongly recommend you keep your kiddos home until they’re old enough that socializing is actually beneficial
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    SAHP - what is your child duty split during off-hours?

    @freeinchrist1611 So this begs the question, why did you marry someone who refuses to help out (and always has, so it’s not really a surprise)? If cooking and cleaning are outsourced and your kid is in school, the arrangement doesn’t seem unreasonable to me. What is unacceptable however is...