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    Baby flipped to transverse at 39 weeks and now OB wants to schedule c-section without trying ECV

    @3angels Yeah, I feel like there is a lot of scaremongering about how painful an ECV is. Maybe I was just lucky but I read so many horror stories and I was so scared, but mine was maybe 3 minutes of serious discomfort during the procedure itself. The worst part was having to lie down and be...
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    Baby flipped to transverse at 39 weeks and now OB wants to schedule c-section without trying ECV

    @cathyhlikesflowers I had a super easy ECV at 36/37 weeks. It was successful and she stayed head down until I went into spontaneous labor at 39 weeks. Not super painful, my biggest complaint is that I had to fast and I was super hungry, and it was delayed because of some emergencies in the...
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    Baby flipped to transverse at 39 weeks and now OB wants to schedule c-section without trying ECV

    @ration Same - the Reddit horror stories really scared me but it was super easy and I would say uncomfortable more than painful.
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    Baby flipped to transverse at 39 weeks and now OB wants to schedule c-section without trying ECV

    @lceman Yeah. I think mine was so bad because they had been pushing pitocin so I was super shivery, and I also spiked a fever in the middle of the operation so that certainly didn’t help. They did take out a giant cyst while they were in there, so silver linings, I guess!
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    Baby flipped to transverse at 39 weeks and now OB wants to schedule c-section without trying ECV

    @lceman Same - super easy and successful ECV, pretty chill labor for 40ish hours which ultimately ended in a c section. The c section was the worst part of all of it, for me. Maybe if it had been planned it wouldn’t have been so bad.
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    Gentle C Section

    @njc82 Same re the shakes - the plan was for me to announce the gender and hold baby immediately for skin to skin, but I spiked a fever and was shaking so badly I couldn’t even tell what gender I was looking at, let alone hold the baby. Luckily my husband was prepared and he stripped his shirt...