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  1. S

    Struggling after doctor’s comments

    @samuelsallows Aw no worries OP - it may seem insignificant but it’s important on a personal basis! That was a good move! Good luck on your preggo journey 😊 Ps I’m 5’4” as well & although we aren’t shortest in the bunch, our height doesn’t help when it comes to gaining weight haha
  2. S

    Struggling after doctor’s comments

    @samuelsallows Hi OP, congrats on the pregnancy and I’m sorry doctor’s comments made you feel bad. I’m in nursing school and have some background - developing gestational diabetes esp at older age is a possibility which is probably why your doctor asked you to be wary. Her approach wasn’t the...
  3. S

    Win - Hiked 5 miles at 10k ft

    @mrdelicieux This is such lovely news! Thanks for sharing, great job and wishing you luck on rest of pregnancy 😊