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  1. T

    Definitely need reassurance!!!!!

    @thatguydustin I speak from experience, I am in the “morbidly obese” category, whatever that means anymore, and have diagnosed generalized anxiety disorder. I’ve also lost 110lbs and gained basically all of it back, so I can understand weight anxiety and the need to feel like you gotta lose...
  2. T

    Definitely need reassurance!!!!!

    @thatguydustin Considering that you are pregnant, walking A LOT, and seem to have anxiety, I wouldn’t immediately chock your results up to pre-e. Get an at home bp monitor, and rest more. I don’t really know if your doctors are the reason why you are focused on weight loss or gain, but you’re...
  3. T

    Finally Ready!!

    @chrisrobert I conceived naturally at 370lbs, it’s 100% possible, and my OB has not made a big deal at all about my weight. Only thing is I had to take the gestational diabetes test twice, once at 17 weeks and at 25 weeks. Passed both