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  1. J

    5am wake ups - is this just the norm for some babies?

    @eliz I just wish I was as excited about getting up that early as my baby is 😆
  2. J

    5am wake ups - is this just the norm for some babies?

    @eliz It's so crazy how it really depends on the baby. I've read so many possible solutions to the early wake up. I think if we try all the proposed solutions maybe we'll stumble on one that works 😂
  3. J

    5am wake ups - is this just the norm for some babies?

    @eldersmith Oh I for sure feel that. When I first read putting to be earlier can help push wake up time, I was like- but? That doesn't make logical sense? But it seemed to work for us. I think it depends on the baby. But best of luck. If you feed baby during the night it might help to feed...
  4. J

    5am wake ups - is this just the norm for some babies?

    @eldersmith Have you tried moving bedtime up to 6:30/7? I've heard it works for some to push wake up time