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  1. L

    Can’t Lose the Damn Weight - 2 Years Postpartum

    @radicalpeng I’m sorry for unsolicited comment, but toast with jam is not a healthy breakfast. It’s just empty carbs and sugar. Eggs and toast with avocado is much better alternative and will keep you full longer
  2. L

    My bf broke my heart last night… gutted this NYE

    @jezza I read the amazing phrase somewhere and keep repeating it to myself during the hard times: ‘Sometimes the only way out is through’. You got it.
  3. L

    Is our nursery dark enough? (Black out curtains)

    @luqmanmichel My baby didn’t like napping in the blackout room. He actually was always starting crying when I was bringing him to the dark room for a nap. When I started leaving the curtains open, so that some light can go through, he started napping much better 💁🏼‍♀️