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  1. T

    New SAHM: What chores do you daily and weekly?

    @rudytoot At least one load of laundry (not folding though I pile it up in the cot 🤣) a load of dishes, sweep and vacuum the rug, one other thing if I can. Picking up the shit my toddler throws around 1000 times a day and throwing away nappies ALL DAY LONG (I have two kids and fuck me the work...
  2. T

    S.O.S. Second baby coming tomorrow and I’m panicking

    @rickram 2 weeks into second kid life and my first has adjusted very well, and is settling back into his usual self, he’s also very doting of his younger brother and warmed up to him over the first week. He did feel gigantic when I first saw him again but now that we’ve had time to settle I...