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  1. P

    How do night shifts work with a newborn?

    @iamamuslimsowhat Can I ask if you pumped at all or was it just breastfeeding & formula? I’ve been debating on doing that too to save the hassle of pumping and cleaning but I’m worried about it affecting my supply if we supplement with formula vs pumped milk.. although I guess theoretically it’s...
  2. P

    How do night shifts work with a newborn?

    @turgut That’s awesome, yeah my hope was to at least get one 4-5hr stretch of sleep without it affecting my supply as long as i pump or feed right beforehand! So glad to hear it worked for you.
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    How do night shifts work with a newborn?

    @fizzygiraffe This is kind of exactly what I was hoping to do! Did you have any supply issues or was it fine since you waited a month to start taking shifts?
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    How do night shifts work with a newborn?

    @more88 I’m definitely planning to pump after several feeds so I guess a lot of this is dependent on how easily I can get my supply up to have bottles for the husband’s shift. But based on yours and others responses I guess I’ll plan to wake up to pump rather than sleeping the whole 5-6 hours...
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    How do night shifts work with a newborn?

    @trinichristiannudist Wow, so if I’m reading right was it several months before you could sleep longer stretches at a time without having to get up to pump or feed? I’m with @stephonydburghduff, I know my mental health takes a hit fast when I’m sleep deprived (thanks depression and GAD) so I’m...
  6. P

    How do night shifts work with a newborn?

    Posted this as a comment in my bump group but figured I’d ask here too. Our c-section is scheduled in 3 days and I’m struggling to wrap my mind around this.. Can anyone who’s done shifts with their partner with a newborn give me an idea of schedules/how it worked? If I’m breastfeeding &...