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    When did you stop tracking everything for baby (e.g., nursing sessions, wet/soiled diapers, sleep duration, etc.)?

    @christiangirl94 At this point we still track my 10.5 months old sleep, bottles, and pump sessions/output. Have tried stopping the bottles, but I like to see how much he’s drinking!
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    @historyismypassion Yes! This. I hung around my mom outdoors for the first time with the baby this past week. I know he gets tired and needs to take a nap every hour and a half (he’s 2.5 months old). I start putting him to sleep and she’s talking at me saying he’s not going to sleep, he’s not...
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    @ashbash400 If I had a penny for every time my mother told me to either put the baby down, that I’m holding him too much, or that I’m spoiling him...mine is 2 months as well!