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  1. R

    H E L P M A M A S… What next?!

    Thank you so much, I absolutely think you’re right. I’ve been in denial that we’d fall back into sleeping through but I think we may have to go back to the drawing board! Last night he was awake from 10:30pm - 3:30am, just larking around 🙄
  2. R

    H E L P M A M A S… What next?!

    @strammom Thanks for sharing, comforting to know we’re not alone! Hope we all come out of the other side soon - all the best 💪🏼
  3. R

    H E L P M A M A S… What next?!

    We’ve just hit 15 months, I love him so so much and have enjoyed my journey immensely but I feel like I may be done. I wanted so badly for it to tail off naturally but I think I might have to actively make the effort to stop. We almost weaned naturally 8 weeks ago and then the top canines made...