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  1. 4

    Hair tournequettes are a thing! Be aware!

    @tecumsehmaverick This happened to my husband as a baby! His mum has really long curly hair and one wrapped around his finger soooo tight nothing could get it off. So his grandma stuck his finger in her mouth and slowly and gently gnawed it off. She said it took ages! I was so paranoid about...
  2. 4

    After 4 long years, I’m 5 weeks pregnant!

    @care563 It's hard to believe and even after seeing multiple ultrasounds I was still in shock. Every milestone we hit I was like "is this really happening?" Now my 7 month old is scream babbling with glee straight into my ear. CONGRATULATIONS!!!
  3. 4

    did loss of pregnancy symptoms indicate miscarriage in your experience?

    @m_louise_2911 I had a miscarriage in 2018 at 8 weeks. My symptoms were still going strong. I got pregnant again in 2020 and my symptoms would come and go, making me panic. She’s 2 now 🥰 I just had my son (he’s 2 months old) and the symptoms with him were different and also came and went. It’s...