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  1. M

    Away from my baby

    @christlivesinme29 Yeah OP, bring baby to the hospital. Second hand smoke is pretty bad for a baby and the hospital is probably better
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    LO 7 weeks doesn’t sleep longer than 3 hours at a time at night

    @river All babies are different but here are some things that helped us that could help you get 5-6 hours at night: Walking with baby in the morning or early afternoon to get sun exposure to help set their circadian rhythm. We combo feed, but give formula in the evening/overnight because it's...
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    7 Weeks - When Can I Let Him Sleep For Longer?

    @tonemonkey Yup, no problem! The general guideline for sleep is also age in weeks plus one, up to 11 weeks. So at 7 weeks, it's okay to let baby sleep for up to 8 hours if they are consuming enough milk and still gaining weight. At 8 weeks, 9 hrs is okay, at 9 weeks, 10hrs is okay, etc. For us...
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    7 Weeks - When Can I Let Him Sleep For Longer?

    @tonemonkey My pediatrician gave us the okay to let him sleep through the night after month one because he was gaining weight. So yes, it should be fine to skip the night feed and get sleep. Just keep in mind that you'll want to move that mid night feed to bedtime or breakfast (or spread it out...