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  1. R

    Notes on childcare, revisions

    @continualseeker Thanks. That’s the stuff I was referring to when I wrote: You can see the word ‘disadvantaged’ on the first item on the sheet you link to!
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    Notes on childcare, revisions

    @katrina2017 Actually, it's appreciated more than you realise. I would never have posted the article without kind and supportive comments from people like you. I'd never even have written it if @josh4285 hadn't asked the key question. And I wouldn't have posted it publicly if @godwithpeter...
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    Notes on childcare, revisions

    @jwfletch Thank you for the kind comments. I'm very glad to hear that you have found it useful.
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    "Cry it out" is not a well-defined term

    @sawry1 Oh, absolutely. As the quote says, it's from 1894!
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    Notes on childcare, revisions

    @darwinrules Thank you for the kind words!
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    Notes on childcare, revisions

    @rylt I'm afraid there isn't any specific research I know of. There's way too little on 0-2 generally. On language delay: don't panic! Very many children with early language delay end up catching up, and 19 months is early. How is his language comprehension? Also I'm guessing you've had his...
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    Notes on childcare, revisions

    @jmbttown For children up to 30 months, UK OFSTED scores are essentially uncorrelated with the research-backed measures of quality. See Mathers S, Singler R & Karemaker A, Improving Quality in the Early Years: A comparison of perspectives and measures. As they note:
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    "Cry it out" is not a well-defined term

    @katrina2017 Thank you! FWIW, amidst all the chaos in these sleep training threads, reading on of your long comments on your own experiences shifted my own views significantly.
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    Notes on childcare, revisions

    @soulwinner92 Lots in here -- I'll take a couple of points to start with. > Childcare in Quebec seems to be a great equalizer for readiness to school: That's consistent with what I wrote. I said that low-income children benefit from starting daycare earlier, and...
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    Notes on childcare, revisions

    @soulwinner92 I would like to stress that they are not my findings! I quoted the NBER summary precisely so that no one thought I was trying to spin the research. When you say everything you’ve seen, do you mean research or news articles or personal experience?
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    "Cry it out" is not a well-defined term

    @grace4nan It's just not worth the arguments to post it publicly. I will DM you.
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    "Cry it out" is not a well-defined term

    @katrina2017 I'm very sorry for setting this off. I knew there would be a couple of off-topic posts, but I was naively hoping that most people would pick up that this was just a point about terminology. It's particularly frustrating because there's important research that people aren't...
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    Notes on childcare, revisions

    @kira23 I don’t think they admit DID, etc? Their definition of quasi-RCT seemed quite restrictive. But I’m only going by the definition - feel free to correct me. ( )
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    Notes on childcare, revisions

    @jmbttown On institutions, I think we may be talking at cross purposes. Please read -- the part about the BEIP is key. On child abuse, I am not sure what 'cruel interventions' you are referring to. Have a read of chapter 1 of...
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    Notes on childcare, revisions

    @amanda212 Ironically, I had something like this in there in early drafts but cut it for space reasons… I'm still very reluctant to put any more material in.
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    Notes on childcare, revisions

    @jmbttown RCT is not quite the same as 'good quality'. RCTs deal with one important problem, the 'correlation is not causation' one. However RCTs can still be flawed. E.g. parents are known to be bad at measuring children's behaviour. I would take a non-RCT that used teacher evaluations of...
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    "Cry it out" is not a well-defined term

    @mikalmo So... I don't mean to be rude, but you've left 13 comments in this thread, and I don't think any of them contain links to supporting research...
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    Notes on childcare, revisions

    @continualseeker Thank you for this. Focusing on the high-income one, I was rather bemused as it only considers one study. They throw away another 13 studies because there were 'unacceptable co-interventions'. The 14 don't include seminal work like the NICHD SECCYD. It took me a bit to realise...
  19. R

    Notes on childcare, revisions

    A while back I posted some notes on the science of childcare in response to some requests on this sub. People occasionally post links to it here, and I recently saw a (now deleted) post in which people discussed it. A running theme there was that people were skeptical of the research on Quebec...