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  1. P

    I am hating this 2-3 years phase - Is it just me?

    @katrina2017 Just purchased this - thanks so much!
  2. P

    I am hating this 2-3 years phase - Is it just me?

    @jumping13 No, I am not a SAHP and neither is my husband. We both work M-F, 9-4PM jobs, and my in-laws help watching my son. They are up there in age, so my son's energy is really taking a toll on them as well. My son does go to speech therapy 3 days a week, so that helps, but it's only 30...
  3. P

    I am hating this 2-3 years phase - Is it just me?

    @jumping13 Thanks for validating this. I see other 2 year olds and toddlers, and them to really have a much calmer persona and "get it", whereas my son only listens when he seems to want to LOL. Yes, I try to vocalize to my husband too about how it's good he's curious and there's new brain...
  4. P

    I am hating this 2-3 years phase - Is it just me?

    So, I have a very hyper active 2.5 year old that is just lately burning out my husband and I. He is our one and only, and lately his behavior has further fueled our decision for OAD. He's like a loose cannon sometimes, and it takes every patient cell in my body to try to gentle parent ASAP...