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  1. C

    How do y’all do it?

    @childs777 I appreciate the concern!! He definitely does try to help in any way he can and never says no if I ask him to do anything. This question stems from my insecurity and our lack of sexual relations because we’re both exhausted. He can’t work from home and usually ends up working long...
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    How do y’all do it?

    @messanicjew30 I am so sorry… I’m sending lots of virtual hugs your way
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    How do y’all do it?

    @patrick17 That sounds amazing!! Thank you for the encouragement 😊
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    How do y’all do it?

    @kleio Oh bless you!! It sounds like you have it all figured out!
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    How do y’all do it?

    @calvary_corps Thank you, sometimes I just need to hear it’s okay!
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    How do y’all do it?

    @torie Oh goodness, that sounds like a lot! You’ll get there, here’s hoping you make amazing memories until then!
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    How do y’all do it?

    @psychosarah Thank you so much! It’s true, it’s so easy to forget about yourself when you’re in mom mode all day. It sounds like you’re doing a phenomenal job as a mom and I hope you rest well too!
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    How do y’all do it?

    @randomx45 Oh goodness, I remember those days!! Sleep is something not to take for granted when you know it’ll be interrupted. I hope the teething takes a rest so you can get some rest!!
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    How do y’all do it?

    @buildfaith777 I feel that!!! We literally just talked about how we don’t think we could go through pregnancy-2 year old again and that maybe we should adopt!
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    How do y’all do it?

    @drjellyjoe LOL, I definitely send him memes all the time while we sit together on the couch!! Thank you so much, I don’t have many parent friends to lean on and just hearing someone else say “you’re doing your best” makes me want to cry ❤️
  11. C

    How do y’all do it?

    @nickmanwithaplanb That sounds perfect. I think he’s also in denial because when I mention bed before 10pm he gives me the side eye lol. Redefining intimacy until our LO is more self sufficient sounds like a very reasonable adjustment!
  12. C

    How do y’all do it?

    @towardsthemark Haha we do too, I just feel like I should be doing something more? I don’t know my brain read something today about falling out of love and I started panicking. A week of a sick 2 year old is apparently a bad time to browse Reddit for me 😅
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    How do y’all do it?

    @todieistogain I think sometimes my 20 minute scroll takes 90 minutes and then I’m falling asleep on the couch lol. That’s a good point though, we should definitely do some bonding activity or just chat. That drive sounds absolutely incredible!! I may have to steal that idea… ❤️
  14. C

    How do y’all do it?

    @cushla4 Oh man, we have a 2 year old and I’m so tired I feel like I must be doing something wrong! You must be an equally kind person to make this comment!! You’re so right, I can’t do it all even though my brain pressures me to do as much as possible. Thank you so much for being the voice of...
  15. C

    How do y’all do it?

    How does anyone have time or energy to devote to their significant other after their kid goes to bed? From 8:30-10pm I’m basically just a couch potato because I’m in denial that I should go to bed since I’m already exhausted. I feel like I’m doing well on the mom front and terrible on the wife...