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  1. E

    What time does your toddler who still naps go to sleep?

    @geranium Mine is just over 2 rarely naps. When he naps bedtime is 8pm, when he doesn’t it’s 6-6:30. He wakes up around 8am on a typical day.
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    Calling All Moms Who Have Breastfed

    @lukester09 I started cutting feeds around 16 months and my son was very against it. But when he’d try I’d give him his water and a snack. If he cried I would comfort him still but stuck to the boundary and it took maybe a week for him to get over me saying no sometimes. He’s just over 2 now and...
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    I hate the notion that SAHPs are gold diggers/lazy

    @daryle Agreed. I’ve been getting lots of questions about what’s next (when my son isn’t even 1 yet!). “Gee I don’t know but our house actually gets cleaned for the first time in 10 years and we get regular home cooked nutritious meals so maybe I’ll keep doing that??” Why do people care so...
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    I need stories of your kiddos moving to their own sleep space

    @bloodboughtchad Transitioned my son from cosleeping to sleeping in his room around 14 months. Not going to lie it was difficult but somehow that has turned into him telling me to leave the room and putting himself to sleep alone in his own room at 23 months.
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    T.V. in living room with newborn, is this bad?

    Forgot to add I am amazed at what he has learned from Ms. Rachel and Sesame Street etc. so I have seen positives in that way since he isn’t in daycare/preschool to learn things and spends all his time with me.
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    T.V. in living room with newborn, is this bad?

    @zman0101 I am a SAHM and play TV in the background most of the day because otherwise I would go insane. We didn’t really start doing screen time for my son until closer to 1 but again I’d go insane without it. He’s two now and gets screen time pretty regularly but it’s always controlled so he...
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    Changing table necessary for pack and play?

    @nontoxic12 I used it a ton at first, but I got the one that was connected to the bassinet part and my son outgrew that so fast. Once it was no longer safe to let him sleep in the bassinet, I had to give up both to remove it so I’d definitely choose one with separate parts if you can.