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  1. J

    F*&! daylight savings

    @fox4god Sleep? I'm sorry, I'm not sure I know what that is, I mean I've heard of the concept I think 🤔 😉🤣😭
  2. J

    F*&! daylight savings

    @fox4god It's shit, ain't it. My poor little man is worse today and so am I. I hope you and your bubba get well soon, and that me and my bubba do too. Hugs x
  3. J

    F*&! daylight savings

    @emmy_88 It didn't work unfortunately. He cried all the time and refused to eat (really unlike him, he's usually a gannet) at my sisters so she brought him home. She had him for roughly 5 hours, so he was miserable for 5 hours. I only slept for an hour of that as I thought I had the whole night...
  4. J

    F*&! daylight savings

    She took him a couple of hours ago. I just called for an update and he's miserable. Cried the entire time. Feel so much worse now. 😭😭😭
  5. J

    F*&! daylight savings

    @victory76 You certainly are my friend. On the positive side, I reached out for help and my sister is coming to collect him and have him overnight. His first ever night away from me. I'm skipping between 3 feelings about this: 1). Omg! A night off, sleep! Sweet beautiful uninterrupted...
  6. J

    F*&! daylight savings

    @frogprof Yep. Fuck them in the fucking ear. On top of his routine being royally fucked, he's got a cold, we've just had to stop swaddling because he's started showing signs of turning over and his first tooth appeared. The universe can eat my ass right now.