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  1. K

    Shouldn’t do this, shouldn’t do that…

    @qiufenn Omg I know ! My baby sleeps on me for all naps so nothing gets done and I don’t sleep either. It takes around 2 hours for me to get her to sleep in the crib at night so there’s no way in hell I’m doing that for each nap !! I’m happy I found some solidarity on this sub!! Keep doing you !!!
  2. K

    Shouldn’t do this, shouldn’t do that…

    @qiufenn Yessss!! This so much ! Worst sentence ever created. I’m sure it works for some but for the majority it’s bullshit.
  3. K

    Shouldn’t do this, shouldn’t do that…

    @bfkm No way would I come at you! I’ve co slept with my daughter a few nights when I really needed to get sleep! We all have to do what works the best for us !
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    Shouldn’t do this, shouldn’t do that…

    @lostconfused That is wonderful you have a great support system. I do too and that has made all the difference. My husband works 12-13 hour days so my mom and MIL come visit us every week. Having a break to take an uninterrupted shower is amaaaaazing! It sounds like you are on top of everything...
  5. K

    Shouldn’t do this, shouldn’t do that…

    @lostconfused Good luck with your pregnancy!! The one thing I wish I had learned about was the 4th trimester ahead of time. I was so focused on the pregnancy part I didn’t take much time to learn about postpartum!!
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    Shouldn’t do this, shouldn’t do that…

    @linvic3 I don’t either ! I do love white noise ! I’ve always had to sleep with the tv on but now I’ve switched to white noise with the baby and it’s great 😊
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    Shouldn’t do this, shouldn’t do that…

    @writergirlrs 🙌🙌
  8. K

    Shouldn’t do this, shouldn’t do that…

    @katrina2017 I love @heysleepybaby too!! There are such great tips and information being shared on that account !
  9. K

    Shouldn’t do this, shouldn’t do that…

    @enji Same to you!!
  10. K

    Shouldn’t do this, shouldn’t do that…

    @denise777 That is sick to try and sleep train a 6 week old and wean night feedings. Poor baby !!
  11. K

    Shouldn’t do this, shouldn’t do that…

    @katrina2017 Aw thank you so are you! My mom gets on me too for reading so much online. She says to go with my gut which I totally agree with!
  12. K

    Shouldn’t do this, shouldn’t do that…

    @drita So much truth in your one sentence !! I think my baby just discovered her hands😂
  13. K

    Shouldn’t do this, shouldn’t do that…

    @thundertongue Exactly !! You can’t spoil an infant !!
  14. K

    Shouldn’t do this, shouldn’t do that…

    @katrina2017 The internet really does suck! I was just reading an article on 3 month old sleep and it was saying don’t nurse to sleep or put baby in crib when they are already sleeping. It makes no sense for that information to be out there.
  15. K

    Shouldn’t do this, shouldn’t do that…

    @shinn That is so lovely to read!! Doesn’t sound like failure to me! Your son is lucky to have you as a parent ! We only have this brief window with them when they are so tiny we need to cherish it !
  16. K

    Shouldn’t do this, shouldn’t do that…

    I love to Google and research and find out everything I can like a lot of you but I am getting so frustrated by the mainstream (United States) saying don’t rock your baby to sleep, don’t nurse your baby to sleep, don’t soothe, etc. How in the flying eff are people putting their babies to bed if...