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  1. S

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    @ducmessi3792 She didn’t specify if it was too much due to reflux or just in general, she just said it was a lot for her age. I tried doing the split bottles or taking a break during her feed when she was around 3.5 months but she would just scream until she was able to finish her bottle so I...
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    @annystephans The GI told us to go ahead and start solids so we are going to give that a shot, but she’s also been getting rice in her bottles since she was about 2 months old because she was losing weight. I thought the rice would’ve made her eat less but I guess I just have a very hungry girl 😂
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    @alysson She eats that during the day, she usually has her last bottle around 9-10 pm and then usually wakes up between 6-7 am for the day. So she doesn’t eat anything through the night
  4. S

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    So FTM here, I took my 5 month old to a GI specialist today for reflux and of course they asked me how much she eats as expected but when I told them that she eats 6 oz every 3 hours they told me I was overfeeding her. I’m so confused because she won’t take anything less or else she scream at...